The CrossFit It is defined as “a system of strength and conditioning training based on constantly varied functional exercises performed at a High intensity“This is how the Crossfit Singular Box gym explains this discipline that is gaining more and more followers. It is no longer only practiced by those who are preparing for the policeThey are military either professional athletes, but also those who start exercising or want to take care of themselves. If you are from the latter group, that is, beginnerwe tell you everything you need to know before you start sweating the shirt.
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CrossFit for Beginners: Don’t Compare Yourself to Others
CrossFit can adapt to any level. In addition, they can practice it from people with Heart problems even elite athletes. The most important thing when you go to your first class is not to look at other people, but to focus on yourself and learning. Remember that this training is based on the combination of Weightlifting, to run, do squats, ‘burpees’ either jumpsand you will gradually get the hang of each exercise.
CrossFit for beginners: ask all your questions
When you get to class you will surely see that everyone, unless they are also beginners, uses a lot of accessories that you don’t know Nothing happens, you will begin to know this as you train. All you need to start getting in shape is some suitable slippers for CrossFit, so it is best that you go through a store specialized in sports.
Another essential part is ask every question that you have your coach or trainer, because you will see that on the blackboard they do not stop writing down terms in English that you may not understand. Do not be left with any doubt, especially when executing the technique of each exercise. For example, if you are running the ‘box jumps‘, known as the box jumps, and you don’t know how you have to bend your knees, listen and observe. And if it’s not clear to you, ask your ‘coach’.
CrossFit for Beginners: Know Every Technique
When we start exercising right away we want to be one step ahead and add weight to the bars. On the other hand, the first thing of all is to know the technique by heart and feel comfortable when you do it with your own weight. In this way you will avoid possible injuries. The gym Anabel Villa details that “when the technique is yours and you gradually train the strength, you can add weight to the bar.”
They also ensure that “if you do not follow this order and start to move a lot of weight without the correct technique, your evolution will not be good. Either you will easily get stuck or you could even end up hurting yourself”. Don’t forget that your ‘coaches’ are here to help you and that CrossFit strengthens the musculoskeletal system, as well as helping you to burn calories.
CrossFit for beginners: practice it two or three times a week
The truth is that CrossFit is a sport of High intensity and that it is very demanding, but you will end up getting the results you are looking for if you follow the previous advice and are constant. Although it is also convenient that you know that you do not have to make it a daily practice, but that it is best to do it two to three times a week. In this sense, experts affirm that the results are visible in six months: you will have more muscle strength thanks to the abs or loaded; greater physical resistance for the ‘wods’, push-ups or rowing; and an increase in flexibility Y elasticity for the exercises that have to do with the weightlifting.
CrossFit for Beginners: Consider Your Nutrition
When you start in this CrossFit you will have to change your feeding. And it is that following a healthy diet is key to having more energy when doing sports, but you will also improve your Recovery. The team of nutritionists Consistent Diet specifies that “excess proteins It is not recommended, because liver overload Y kidneysincreases acidity and the possibility of injury and osteoporosis“. Continuing with this idea, they point out that “high-protein diets by themselves do not increase muscle mass.”
Muscle mass is achieved by combining training and a diet specially prepared for those who are going to practice CrossFit. From Coherent Diet they recommend doing three main meals. “You can take a little snack before going to bed, if you have had an early dinner. Yes you have breakfast For example, at eight o’clock, you have to eat around 11 o’clock. Eat at two in the afternoon. Y to snack at six. The Dinner around nine”. In the main meals he makes the well-known plate method: half a plate of vegetables, a quarter of proteins and another quarter of carbohydrates.