If you think you’re fat, ugly and lazy, we have a solution for you to get rid of the extra weight without starvation and exercise
- Drink two glasses of water before every meal
Every day, before you eat your meals, you need to drink 2 glasses of water. This daily routine will speed up your metabolism, it will improve your digestion and it will not turn into fat.
- Drink warm water before breakfast
You can always try this extremely efficient morning detox method. All you have to do is drink one glass of warm water in the morning, on an empty stomach. You can add some lemon juice and some honey in it.
- Kefir with flax seed for breakfast
This type of breakfast will help you clean your bowels and to maintain the good intestine micro flora.
- Chewing your food is extremely important
You need to chew every bite at least 20-30 times, if you do not want all your food to transform into fat tissue.
- Cinnamon and honey against fat
All you have to do is make a homemade fat-burning drink. Just add ½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder and 1 teaspoon of honey in 200 ml hot water. You need to drink half of this fat burning drink in the evening, before bedtime. Cover the other half of this fat burning drink and put it in the refrigerator and drink it in the next morning.
Source www.healthtipsportal.com