When it comes to losing weight you all know the drill: burn more calories, take in fewer calories. But sometimes most diets and quick weight loss plans don’t work as planed. These expert tips will make it easy for you to lose the weight quickly if you are trying to drop a few pounds fast.
Losing weight is not something easy.
Over the years however I have discovered a several steps that can help you do it in a safe manner.
Step 1-Dismiss sugars and carbs from your diet
Sugars and carbs are your biggest enemy for losing weight.
To lose weight you don’t need to cut them completely, but cutting down a significant amount od sugars will help you in that process.
In your body insulin is the main fat storage hormone and sugars and carbs stimulate it’s secretion.
Your body cannot butn fat when the insulin levels are high.
Fat can easily get out of the fat storage and your body burns fat not carbs and sugars when the insulin levels are down.
Your kidneys can shed more water and sodium out of your body when your insulin levels are low.
This will reduce your bloat and wather weight.
If you flush all water weight you can lose up to one pound in a day.
Step 2-Learn to love protein
If you want to lose weight fast what you need to include in your diet is more protein.
Part of each and every one of your meals should be a protein source.
Protein, tha fat source, and low-carb veggies are contained in a classic meal dish when you want to lose weight.
If you do not prefer meat, protein sources like mushrooms, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, and legumes can be used as alternatives.
Low carb veggies are another part of your dish and this includes broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, cabbage, lettuce, celery, cucumber and kale.
You should opt for healthy alternatives for fat such as olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil and butter.
Step 3-Take up cardio training
Cardio training is arguably among the best when it comes to losing weight fast.
Cardio is one that burns the most calories, even though lifting weights can help as well.
To burn fat is your goal. Lifting weights is more of a boosting your muscule value kind of thing.
For best results cardio is often combined with resistance training.
Cardio training is running, swimming, walking, climbing, riding a bicycle and much more.
Step 4-Interval training
The next step is interval training once you have prefected cardio training, you feel like you have some experience, and you have built up your stamina.
If there is a better thing than cardio for losing weight that is interval training.
In cardio training your pulse and intensity stays the same for the whole time and that is the difference between interval training and cardio.
You mix between high intensity workouts and small intensity workouts in interval trainings.
You want to sprint for three minutes at close to maximum speed (90 to 95%) when you start running, and then you are taking what fitness experts like to call “active recovery”.
You are still running during the active recovery but you are doing it in an easy pace.
In any cardio exercise you can use interval training, not just in running.
You can even use it in weight lifting and resistance training.
Tips for maximum eficiency
You should reach your desired weight by the fourth or fifth month, if you follow the four steps I mentioned above.
Extreme approach requires losing more than 20 pounds per month, and often not a healthy one.
I will also share with you some tips on how to make it work, to make sure you are able to acheve success:
Make sure to sleep for at least 6 to 7 hours, and get enough rest.
Before targeting the same muscule group rest for at leat 24 hours. To rest and recover your muscles need time so make sure you give them that time.
Hydration is extremely important so drink enough water. Dehydration is one of your biggest enemies.
Going the extreme way
A glass of water before your meal will suppress your appetite and you will eat less.
Source www.healthyfoodhelp.net