It you have problems with losing weight, then you probably want to learn about leptin, an important molecule that’s likely responsible. It is a hormone secreted by your fat cells, which main job is balancing body weight and energy. It works in two ways: the first by signaling to your brain when you should stop eating, and the second by stimulating fatty tissue to burn off energy. In fact, the more fat you have, the more leptin your body will release into the bloodstream. But that’s only if leptin is functioning correctly. And unfortunately, the majority of people who are overweight have developed what’s called leptin resistance. What is leptin resistance – and how does it happen? the body can actually lose sensitivity to leptin if its levels remain high for a long period of time. The brain no longer responds to the helpful cues to quit eating or speed up metabolism. When this happens, it is even more difficult to lose weight and maintain metabolism at a proper, healthy level. Those with leptin resistance also tend to pack on excessive belly fat, as well as experience increased inflammation – which increases the risk of a number of chronic illnesses. Crash diets can also cause this condition. Often, people who want to lose weight make the mistake of reducing their caloric intake dramatically. By doing this, the body enters starvation mode, and the lowered leptin levels tell the brain it needs food. In other words: the body receives fat. This is why these diets rarely work – and actually tend to derail weight loss efforts. Leptin resistance can also be caused by the consumption of processed foods, including:
- Foods excessively high in fat
- Foods high in sugar
- Refined carbohydrates
- High fructose corn syrup Source