All human beings need to rest from time to time, above all because we are living in times in which the productivity and the multitasking jobs they are the order of the day. And the result is the physical exhaustion Y mental that leads us to be unmotivatedbut also disconnected of the reality closest. That is why it is also important to know that we can disconnect in any placewithout having to go anywhere beach spectacular or mountain secluded from civilization.
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Furthermore, not only work is to blame for this fatiguebut also others activities. Among them we can cite some such as spending time with the mobile either have a thousand plans a week. In short, the days go by and we don’t find a space to spend it with ourselves or doing what we really want. In this sense, we show you a series of tips So you can clear themind no matter where you are. So you can work on your emotional and physical well-being, because it is very important. Or as the psychologist says Manuela Santamaria“disconnect for connect with you. Being able to disconnect from noises to connect with ourselves.
How to disconnect anywhere: don’t answer the phone if you don’t feel like it
Woman using mobile.PIXABAY
Many people get stressed because they have hundreds of unanswered messages on their mobile. Instead, in order to fully disconnect, it would be advisable to disconnect the notifications phone or turn it off for a while. We also suggest that do not pay attention at social networks, because you will find any reason to get angry, either because there are people who do not think like you or because something has happened that you do not like. In this way you can enjoy more of your leisure and do more relaxing activities.
How to disconnect anywhere: set a limit to worries
The concerns are a source of emotional stress and physique that has no limits. Well, it doesn’t matter where we are that these appear and make our day bitter. So it is necessary to establish a schedule to serve the problems. If we decide to dedicate some 20 minutes a day to try to solve them, surely when they come to your mind you will think that it is not the right time and it will be easier for you not to pay attention to them. Your mind will thank you.
How to disconnect anywhere: enjoy the little things
Cup of coffee.PIXABAY
enjoy the little pleasures is one of the most effective ways to to live the present with happiness Y emotion. Either from one sunsetof the smell of coffee in the morning, from the sound of the waves or a relaxing bath. These small moments are also vital because we stop to feel smells, sounds, colors either sensations, something we don’t usually do because we live in a hurry. So looking at these details also helps us to disconnect Y enjoy life more.
How to disconnect anywhere: take short breaks
Even though this tip is difficult to carry out because we have hundreds of responsibilities During the week, when you are working, try to rest between tasks. Listen musicdo a little sporteat something or directly do not do anything. Our body sometimes needs to stop, even when we are in the office. And don’t feel guilty if for the nights or the weekends You do nothing, because as we have been saying, it is essential to disconnect.
How to disconnect anywhere: always carry a book with you
Yes you love to read but you don’t have time, take advantage of the moments when you go to the worked (if you use the public transport) or wait in line for the Supermarket. You will only have to bring your book everywhere. Remember that the reading It is one of the most intimate and pleasant ways of escaping. Likewise, it will help you with techno-stress.
How to disconnect anywhere: practice yoga
Woman doing yoga.PIXABAY
It doesn’t matter if you are in your Housein the Gym or of holidays. Performing yoga helps us reduce the depression and the anxiety. These benefits are due to the fact that it is a technique that focuses on executing different movements controlling the breathingsomething that favors concentration and the relaxation. On the other hand, the yoga It also helps us to have a restful sleepwhich we do not usually enjoy because the stress does not allow us.