The mayo clinic remember on your website that the Neck Pain is frequent, since your muscles can be strained by poor posture, so it is rare not to suffer from this problem at some point. They also guarantee that on rare occasions they are a symptom of a serious problem. “Search medical care if the neck pain is accompanied by numbness either loss of strength in the arms or in the handsor if you have a Throbbing pain in it shoulder either under the arm“, they insist. To prevent this from going further, we have compiled the seven stretches plus effective for relieve this hassle.
Since Urban Physio point out that there are various risk factor’s that cause the cervical pain and that is why they explain a series of habits what should we change to to prevent the inconvenience in the neck. Between these tips we found the following: not wearing a sedentary life, do daily exerciseCarry one varied diethave good sleep hygiene, avoid “not very ergonomic” postures for a long period of time, keep the straight back and the monitor at eye level if we work with a computer and, of course, go to a medical consultation if they show up mild symptoms. Now yes, we are going to tell you about the stretches that will help you with your Neck Pain.
Rotating Neck Stretch to Relieve Neck Pain
To perform the rotating neck stretch we have to keep the Rigid body Y turn the head sideways. The professionals of Physiolution explain on their YouTube channel that, to run it correctly, the shoulder opposite of the side to which we are going to move the head must be rigid. To rotate the head, we will have to help ourselves with the hand for later hold about 30 seconds in that position.
Cervical stretch in inclination or lateralization to relieve neck pain
On this occasion it is also essential that we have the straight shoulders. The tilt neck stretch consists of holding our head with one hand and tilt it to one side. We will do it well if when we move our head to the left, we hold on with our left hand and vice versa. At the same time, the gaze must be towards the front and remain in this position for 30 seconds. Just as you can take time to keep your body toned, surely you also have time to maintain your healthy neck.
Flexion Neck Stretch to Relieve Neck Pain
Continuing with the stretches recommended by Physiolutionthe cervical flexion stretch you will have to carry it out flexing head forward while placing the hands above the neck. You don’t do a big pushup, but having your neck relaxed and the simple weight of your arms is enough to do it well. Drop your head and Push gently with the chin. Hold the position for 30 seconds.
Cervical stretch in extension to relieve neck pain
The neck stretch in extension to relieve neck pain is performed as follows for 30 seconds: we throw the head back and we support a little hands on forehead or go up a bit jaw. It is very simple, but according to the physiotherapist Andres Soleryou have to do it carefully because we can get to get dizzy. So if you practice it on summerchoose the best time to exercise and the corresponding stretching.
Angled Scapula Neck Stretch to Relieve Neck Pain
All of the above stretches can be included in your exercise routine to strengthen and improve back posture. The same thing happens with the angular neck stretch of the scapula. Following Soler’s recommendations, we have to rotate neck to the side we want and then grab gentlyhead from the back and lower it. Also, sometimes it is necessary increasetheopposite arm. Hold 30 seconds.
Trapeze Neck Stretch to Relieve Neck Pain
The trapeze neck stretch to relieve neck pain consists of two steps: the first consists of rotate left and the second in grab our headsfrom the forehead with the opposite hand. Of course, you must have straight shoulders. Hold the position for 30 seconds and remember that stress also overloads the shoulders, affecting the neck.
Turtle stretch to relieve neck pain
PhysioOnline shows on his YouTube channel a series of stretches to relieve neck pain, among them we find the so-called baby turtle stretchwhat can you do sitting in a chair. She rests her back on the seatback and begins to carry the head forwardinstraight line, Everything you can. Then return to the starting position. One of the most common mistakes is to perform this exercise with your back detached, which is why it is very important that you pay attention to the movement to do it correctly.